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Peek of the Week

Posts tagged #prices
Bearish, bullish, and some pricing strategies

Peek of the Week - Weekly Market Commentary for November 27, 2023. Today's Peek of the Week lets us know that investors have been more optimistic this month. In early November, investors were "decidedly bearish" but as stock markets gained and the month continued, participants in the AAII survey started to become more bullish. Consumers have been considerably less optimistic overall, as we saw the fourth month of declining sentiment in a row. Stocks moved higher after many investors felt confident that the Fed is done raising rates.

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It was a "bah humbug!" week for markets

After quite the "bah humbug" week in the markets, our new Peek of the Week shares the latest economic data to try and explain what's going on. The fight against inflation has had mixed results and especially when compared to how things have unfolded in the past. Mixed signals from the past has caused mixed messages for the present, and mixed feelings about the future...

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The pace of inflation slows, optimism grows

The three major U.S. stock market indices moved higher last week... for the first time in weeks. Prior to the increase, we saw investors reassess their approach and predictions. Today's Peek of the Week explains how strong corporate profits, more attractive share prices and the Fed's potential slowdown of rate hikes have brought us a stock market rally. And we appreciate it!

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Policymakers wonder where inflation is headed

Today's Peek of the Week explains the complexity of inflation and how the numbers may vary, depending on how things get measured. To determine how quickly prices will rise or fall is not easy and our government relies on two indexes to get their answers: the CPI (Consumer Price Index) and the PCE (the Personal Consumption Index). These signify headline inflation and core inflation. Read our "Peek of the Week" to learn how to differentiate between them and learn why the cost of two things we use daily, food and energy, can be excluded from inflation calculations. One thing we know for sure: policymakers have A LOT of data to consider before they make their predictions for the future.

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Checking in... on the Fed and the gender wage gap

Today's Peek of the Week "checks in" on the Federal Reserve and many other things. The Federal Reserve has been asked by Congress to promote price stability and maximize employment. Inflation continued to increase to 6.4 percent last week (with food and energy included) and the Fed's target rate for inflation is all the way down at 2 percent. Yikes. Today's blog will explain some potential next moves for balancing out financial complications.

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Market corrections... and the great college debate!

Today's Peek of the Week is full of questions. Investors wonder what will happen with the current geopolitical tensions, if the Federal Reserve will tame inflation and how the market correction is being received. Major U.S. stock indices moved lower last week and came even closer to correction territory. A stock market correction occurs when assets, indexes or markets decline by 10 to 20 percent and although they feel unpleasant, they aren't unusual. In addition, here have been all kinds of debates about college and its importance. Questions such as: is college a good investment? Which college majors are worth the cost? And, should employers remove college degree requirements from job listings? What do YOU think?

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