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Peek of the Week

Posts in Investment
The cycle of economic activity

Peek of the Week - Weekly Market Commentary for December 4, 2023. Economic activity tends to move in the cycle of: contraction, trough, expansion and peak. At the end of the fourth quarter, the U.S. economy has been in the late cycle stage of expansion, yet this doesn't necessarily mean that we will reach a contraction entirely. Expansions occur when an economy produces more goods and services and our economy has been expanding since mid-year-2022. Expansions end when the economy experiences a shock of some kind. Shocks that cause recessions might include financial market disruptions, international disturbances, technology shocks, energy price shocks and actions taken by monetary policymakers to restrain inflation.

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Investor uncertainty and questions about a shutdown

Peek of the Week - Weekly Market Commentary for October 23, 2023. We share a recap of all the uncertainty cycling through the markets. According to a survey released by Investopedia last month, investors are currently most concerned about: inflation, the upcoming election, a recession, interest rates, U.S. tension with China, the war in Ukraine, the war in Israel, the U.S. credit rating and climate disasters. The ability to stay calm and consider the big picture becomes extremely important in the midst of uncertainty. We take a deeper look at the history of stock market performance and compare it to the tumultuous challenges of our current day.

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