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Peek of the Week

Posts tagged #oil
It was a "bah humbug!" week for markets

After quite the "bah humbug" week in the markets, our new Peek of the Week shares the latest economic data to try and explain what's going on. The fight against inflation has had mixed results and especially when compared to how things have unfolded in the past. Mixed signals from the past has caused mixed messages for the present, and mixed feelings about the future...

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Stocks markets fight the implications of war

Last week, Russian invaded Ukraine. After the invasion, the Russia Trading System Index (a gauge of the Russian stock market) dropped 38 percent. Today's Peek of the Week explains how the major U.S. stock indices responded and how they were able to partially recover during Friday's session. There are many global markets to keep track of as geopolitical events continue to unfold. The cost of war can be felt by most when the demand for things is high and the supply is low. The reality: the war is pushing prices even higher.

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