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Posts tagged #joy
Wishing you hope and joy for Easter!

Are you read for Easter on Sunday? The word "Easter" is said to derive from the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring and fertility. Or, it's also said to derive from the Latin phrase in albis, which is a plural version of the word meaning dawn. Today's Easter Commentary reiterates the importance of new beginnings and hope on Easter.

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Finding joy during the holidays

“The holidays are often seen as a time of joy: ruddy cheeks, festive parties, and twinkling laughter, all wrapped in a warm, tinsel-framed glow. It’s the most wonderful time of the year! It may be the ‘season to be jolly,’ but not everyone finds joy in the holidays,” writes Annie Parsons for On Being. The holidays can become overwhelming, so we’re sharing strategies for restoring your equilibrium.

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