If they don't give you a seat... bring a folding chair Peek of the Week, Community Involvement, Lifestyle, NewsLeif HagenFebruary 22, 2021Achievement Financial#PEEKoftheWeek, #blackhistorymonth, #february, #diversity, #celebrateblackhistory, #investing, #investors, #markets, #marketnews, #marketcommentary, #dowjones, #globalequity, #stocks, #bonds, #virus, #pandemic, #government, #USeconomy, #USgoverment, #recovery, #growth, #blackauthor, #blackauthors, #ShirleyChisholm, #congress, #976
A critical stimulus package Money, World Events, Peek of the WeekLeif HagenDecember 28, 2020Achievement Financial#PEEKoftheWeek, #investing, #investors, #money, #stockmarket, #stocks, #bonds, #eagan, #minnesota, #investmentnews, #marketcommentary, #stimulus, #stimuluspackage, #trump, #america, #americans, #unemployment, #optimism, #risk, #congress
Policymakers to deliver new stimulus to Americans Money, Investment, Peek of the WeekLeif HagenDecember 21, 2020#PEEKoftheWeek, #christmas, #economy, #airlines, #federalreserve, #stocks, #stockmarket, #bonds, #GDP, #congress, #stimulus, #reliefchecks, #unemployment, #business, #stockindices, #optimism, #marketnews, #marketcommentary
Vaccine talk and less than stellar earnings World Events, Money, InvestmentLeif HagenJuly 27, 2020#economy, #coronavirus, #pandemic, #congress, #earnings, #stocks, #stockmarket, #marketreport, #vaccine, #treatment, #unemployment, #unitedstates, #employment, #money, #currency, #bonds