Thanksgiving: A Time for Gratitude Peek of the WeekHagen Financial NetworkNovember 26, 2019#Eagan, #EaganMN, #american culture, #celebrate, #family, #finance blog, #friends, #spreadthanks, #thankful, #thanksgiving
Progress for investors and pardoned turkeys Peek of the WeekHagen Financial NetworkNovember 25, 20194640 Nicols Rd #203, Eagan, MN 55122, USA#Eagan, #Minnesota #finance #finance blog, #USA, #american culture, #blog, #history, #moneyblog, #thankful, #thanksgiving, #turkey day, #turkey
Risk of recession recedes! Peek of the WeekHagen Financial NetworkNovember 18, 20194640 Nicols Rd #203, Eagan, MN 55122, USA#financeblog, #financialblog #eaganMN #jobmarket, #financialblog, #financialplanning, #global stocks, #investmentnews, #investments, #investors, #money blog, #moneymatters, #record high, #stockmarket
Historic highs and bewildering 'new math' Peek of the WeekHagen Financial NetworkNovember 11, 20194640 Nicols Rd #203, Eagan, MN 55122, USA#finance, #financialnewsletter, #financialplanning, #global stocks, #investors, #jobmarket, #math, #moneyblog, #new math, #stockmarket, #stocks
Gratitude for Our Veterans Peek of the WeekHagen Financial NetworkNovember 8, 20194640 Nicols Rd #203, Eagan, MN 55122, USA#PEEKoftheWeek, #Veteran, #Veteran's Day, #america, #american culture, #financeblog, #spreadlove, #spreadthanks, #tips, #unitedstates, #warveteran
Opportunities for investors Peek of the WeekHagen Financial NetworkNovember 4, 20194640 Nicols Rd #203, Eagan, MN 55122, USA#Eagan, #EaganMN, #america, #finance blog, #financeblog, #global stocks, #growth, #peek of the week, #positive, #stocks, #trade war, #tradewar, #trump
Save money with a green Halloween! Peek of the WeekHagen Financial NetworkOctober 30, 20194640 Nicols Rd - Suite 203, Eagan, MN 55122, USA#american culture, #money blog, #moneyblog, Halloween, green living, living green, saving money
Investors are optimistic about growth Peek of the WeekHagen Financial NetworkOctober 28, 20194640 Nicols Rd #203, Eagan, MN 55122, USA#finance blog, #finance, #financeblog, #growth, #investmentnews, #investments, #investors, #positive, #stockmarket, #stocks, #trade war, #trump
Better-than-expected earnings Peek of the WeekHagen Financial NetworkOctober 21, 20194640 Nicols Rd, Eagan, MN 55122, USA#bonds, #financialblog #eaganMN #jobmarket, #moneyblog, #stockmarket, #stocks, #trade war, #trump, stock market, tariffs
A trade-war truce? Peek of the WeekHagen Financial NetworkOctober 14, 20194640 Nicols Rd Suite 203, Eagan, MN 55122, USA#culture, #financialblog #eaganMN #jobmarket, #financialnewsletter, #investmentnews, #investments, #investors, #jobmarket, #peek of the week, #stockmarket, #stocks, #tariffs, #trade war
Investors' appetite for risk Peek of the WeekHagen Financial NetworkOctober 7, 20194640 Nicols Rd #203, Eagan, MN 55122, USA#finance blog, #financialblog #eaganMN #jobmarket, #financialnewsletter, #financialplanning, #global stocks, #investmentnews, #investments, #investors, #jobmarket, #moneyblog, #moneymatters, #negativeyields
Investors buzz about the bull market Peek of the WeekHagen Financial NetworkSeptember 30, 20194640 Nicols Rd, Eagan, MN 55122, USA#american culture, #bee colonies, #beekeepers, #bees, #finance blog, #financeblog, #hotel, #investments, #investors, #moneymatters, #stockmarket, #trade war, #tradewar, #trump