An unwelcome surprise Lifestyle, Peek of the Week, Money, Stock marketLeif HagenAugust 7, 2023Achievement Financial#investor, #investing, #stockmarket, #stocks, #bonds, #government, #portfolio
Rethinking the likelihood of recession Lifestyle, Money, Peek of the Week, NewsLeif HagenJuly 24, 2023Achievement Financial#recession, #stocks, #investing, #financialplanning, #unitedstates
The cost of living and the wall of worry Money, Lifestyle, World Events, Stock market, Peek of the WeekLeif HagenJune 12, 2023Achievement Financial
The debt ceiling and China's "Grill Rush" Money, Lifestyle, World Events, Stock market, Peek of the WeekLeif HagenMay 15, 2023Achievement Financial#peekoftheweek, #grilling, #travel, #tourism, #economy, #stockmarket, #debt, #debtceiling, #money, #investing
Stock market risk and the fix for stress Money, Stock market, Peek of the WeekLeif HagenMarch 27, 2023Achievement Financial#stockmarket, #Stress, #calm, #investing, #investors, #invest, #financialplan, #uncertainty, #selfcare
Technology innovations and inflationary pressures World Events, Stock market, Peek of the Week, Money, LifestyleLeif HagenJanuary 9, 2023Achievement Financial#tech, #technology, #stockmarket, #employment, #unemployment, #ratehikes, #rates, #interestrates
Out with the old, in with the new! Lifestyle, Money, Peek of the Week, World EventsLeif HagenDecember 27, 2022Achievement Financial#inflation #growth #stockmarket #trending #trends #newyear
Recession fear replaces inflation angst Investment, Lifestyle, Money, Stock market, World EventsLeif HagenDecember 19, 2022Achievement Financial#recession, #fear, #inflation, #stockmarket, #funds, #economy, #GDP, #money, #finance, #graduate, #graduatestudent, #blog, #creditcard
The economy is not the stock market Money, Peek of the Week, Stock marketLeif HagenDecember 12, 2022Achievement Financial#economy, #stockmarket, #holidays, #holidayseason, #shopping, #holidayshopping, #furbaby, #pets, #dogs, #cats, #smile, #inflation, #economicgrowth, #recession, #stagflation
Shopping the sales during inflation Money, Lifestyle, Peek of the WeekLeif HagenNovember 28, 2022#inflation, #blackfriday, #cybermonday, #shopping, #fed, #ratehikes, #rates, #employment, #supplyanddemand, #malls, #supply, #demand, #economy, #stockmarket, #stocks
A remarkable week Investment, Money, Peek of the WeekLeif HagenNovember 14, 2022Achievement Financial#stockmarket, #inflation, #PEEKoftheWeek, #investing, #lunareclipse
It's earnings season Money, Investment, Stock marketLeif HagenOctober 31, 2022Achievement Financial#earnings, #money, #profits, #profit, #stocks, #stockmarket, #technology, #communication