Trading teeth for treasure in the pandemic Lifestyle, Peek of the Week, NewsLeif HagenJanuary 19, 2021Achievement Financial#peekoftheweek, #investing, #money, #finances, #financialadvice, #inflation, #economy, #economics, #covid, #coronavirus, #smallbusiness, #unemployment, #economicrecovery, #marketnews, #marketcommentary, #dowjones, #stocks, #bonds, #trends, #trending, #toothfairy, #donating, #moneymatters
The bear market and improbable research Money, Peek of the WeekLeif HagenAugust 24, 2020Achievement Financial#stocks, #stockmarket, #stockindices, #PEEKoftheWeek, #investing, #investor, #money, #america, #financialadvice, #technology, #tech, #unemployment, #research
Second quarter earnings and The Big Mac Index Peek of the Week, Lifestyle, Money, NewsLeif HagenAugust 3, 2020Achievement Financial#PEEKoftheWeek, #marketnews, #marketcommentary, #marketreport, #financialadvice, #advisor, #finance, #economy, fastfood, #costofliving, #lifestyle, #marktwain, #BigMacIndex, #TheBigMacIndex
A drop in first quarter earning and U.S. unemployment Peek of the Week, InvestmentLeif HagenJune 1, 2020Achievement Financial#peek of the week, #economy, #firstquarterearnings, #financialadvice, #finance, #world economy, #protests, #justice, #spacex, #USmarkets, #eagan, #moneyblog
3 TIPS TO INVEST IN STOCKS AND BONDS Video, Investment, MoneyLeif HagenMay 13, 2020Achievement Financial#stockmarket, #stocks, #finance, #financialadvisor, #financialadvice, #tips, #achievementfinancial, #investing, #investors, #market news, #marketnews