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Peek of the Week

Find a new tradition for Mother's Day


Peek of the Week

Mother’s Day Commentary

May 7, 2020

Find a New Tradition for Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is a celebration of the work mothers do both in the home and outside the home. Appreciation is shown by sending cards, delivering flowers, and presenting gifts to Mom.

Many countries celebrate Mother’s Day with traditions very similar to ours in the United States, but others have their own traditions you may want to consider making part of your Mother’s Day celebration:

·         The French are known for their rich food and, on Mother’s Day, mothers are presented with a cake that looks like a bouquet of flowers.

·         In Mexico, children go to Mom’s home the night before Mother’s Day.

·         The United Kingdom was the first country to dedicate a day to mothers in the 1600’s. To celebrate Mom, a rich almond cake is given.

·         Within the last 10 years, India has begun to celebrate Mother’s Day. On this day, everyone is encouraged to think about the hardships and sacrifices made by Mom.

Mother’s Day is about more than where to go for dinner or sending a card and the people of India reflect that perfectly. Share with your Mom what you appreciate about her today.

On this Mother’s Day, we would like to offer our thanks to mothers everywhere for their good works, sacrifices, and common sense.


Best regards,

Leif M. Hagen, CLU, ChFC
LPL Financial Advisor
Achievement Financial
Dream. Plan. Achieve.


The above material was prepared by Carson Coaching.
Photo by Ashton Mullins on Unsplash