Achievement Financial

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An Independence Day Toast

“Peek of the Week”


July 4th Commentary

July 2, 2020

An Independence Day Toast

In the late 1700s and 1800s, patriotic toasts were an important part of Fourth of July celebrations. Toasts were carefully prepared, written down, and submitted to celebration committees for approval. Once approved, they were given to local newspapers for public dissemination. Often, thirteen toasts, one for each of the original colonies, were offered. Here is an example:

1.    To the American jubilee. We hail its anniversary with joy.

2.    To the Union of the States. May it never be broken by despotic power or aspiring demagogues.

3.    To the Constitution of the United States. The American people will never suffer it to be rent for the sake of being patched by political tailors.

4.    To the signers of the Declaration of our Independence. The last is gone, but the memory of all live in the hearts of their countrymen.

5.    To the Father of his country. The memory of Washington will be cherished by the last son of liberty wherever found.

6.    To the Death of Lafayette. The friends of liberty feel, but no tongue can express their grief.

7.    To the President of the United States.

8.    To the Governor of this Commonwealth.

9.    To the Surviving Soldiers of the Revolution. May they die as they have lived, true friends to their country.

10. To agriculture, commerce, and manufacturing. May the fostering hand of government equally extend to three great pillars of national prosperity.

11. To the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. May her sons never degenerate from the patriotism of their fathers.

12. To public schools. May these nurseries of virtue and intelligence be extensively planted and judiciously cultivated.

13. To the fair daughters of creation. The nation is free where they wield their charms for liberty and the rights of men.

On Independence Day, we will toast you, our valued clients and friends. If you need our assistance with financial independence, please call anytime.


Happy Independence Day celebrations,

Leif Hagen, CLU, ChFC
LPL Financial Advisor
Achievement Financial
Dream. Plan. Achieve.

The above material was prepared by Carson Coaching.
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash