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Peek of the Week

Moms are unique because...

“Peek of the Week”
Mother’s Day Commentary
May 8, 2019

Moms are Unique

Moms are like snowflakes. No two are exactly alike. So, when you’re thinking about what to give your mom for Mother’s Day, consider a gift that is as unique as she is: share your memories with her. Here are some prompts to get you started:

  • My favorite story about my mom…
  • What I love about my mom…
  • One important thing my mom taught me…
  • One inspiring thing my mom has done...
  • The funniest thing my mom did or said when I was young…
  • My mom’s favorite story, and why it inspires me…
  • My dad’s favorite story about mom, and what it means to me…

Whether you commit your memories to writing, shoot a brief video, or tell her face-to-face, let your mom know she’s amazing and inspiring and tough and so much more. It’s a gift she’ll appreciate.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Best regards,

Leif M. Hagen
Leif M. Hagen, CLU, ChFC