Achievement Financial

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Wishing you hope and joy for Easter!

Peek of the Week

Market Commentary

April 14, 2022




Wishing You Hope and Joy for Easter!


There are many potential origins of the word Easter. It is said that it’s derived from the word Eostre or Eostrae, which is the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring and fertility. It is also said that it’s derived from the Latin phrase in albis, which is plural for a word that means dawn.1


Regardless of which is the true origin, the word depicts hope and new beginnings. The holiday, which celebrates the belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, is “meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal, and new life,” author Janine di Giovanni said.2


While you likely have your own Easter traditions, it might be interesting begin a new one like some of the beautiful ones from around the world:3

  • France: tell the children the bells don’t ring on Holy Week because they are the ones going off and fetching the Easter goodies for them.

  • Bermuda: Fly kites with geometric shapes that symbolize the resurrection.

  • Greece: Dye Easter eggs bright red to symbolize Christ’s blood, then your loved ones crack the eggs against each other and whoever’s eggshell remains uncracked will have good luck all year.


This Easter, we wish you joy and hope and the kind of new beginnings you desire.



Good luck on your egg hunts – make it a “Hoppy” Easter!



Leif M. Hagen, CLU, ChFC
LPL Financial Advisor
Achievement Financial
Dream. Plan. Achieve.





Photo by Boba Jaglicic on Unsplash


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