Thanksgiving may be good for your health
Peek of the Week
Thanksgiving Day Commentary
November 24, 2020
Thanksgiving May Be Good For Your Health!
Did you know that giving thanks – thinking of the blessings and happy moments you experience each day – can improve your life? According to the Mayo Clinic, positive thinking can actually make you healthier. The many benefits include:
Reducing stress levels
Improving resistance to colds
Reducing the risk of coronary artery disease
Improving breathing in patients with some lung diseases
If it’s hard for you to stay focused on the positive and identify things that you’re grateful for, you may want to try one of these activities:
Keep a gratitude journal
Each day, write down the things for which you are grateful – a beautiful sunset, a warm home, the companionship of family or friends. There should be no negative thoughts in a gratitude journal, only positive ones.
Practice mindfulness
Mindfulness is paying attention to the here and now by observing your thoughts without being critical or judgmental. Mindfulness has its roots in Buddhism, and has been adopted by many cancer survivors as a means of managing stress and staying positive.
Think about the people in your life
It’s easy to be thankful for the people we love and enjoy being around. You may even want to be thankful for people who have made your life more challenging because they may have caused you to accomplish things you might not have otherwise.
This year, make a Thanksgiving Day’s resolution to accentuate the positive!
On this Thanksgiving Day, we’ll be giving thanks for your business and your friendship. Please let us know whenever there is something we can do to help you.
Have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving!
Leif M. Hagen, CLU, ChFC
LPL Financial Advisor
Achievement Financial
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