Achievement Financial

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Revisiting the origins of love on Valentine's Day

Peek of the Week

Valentine’s Day Commentary

February 14, 2023


Revisiting the origins of love on Valentine’s Day


Author Ursula K. Le Guin wrote, “Love doesn't just sit there, like a stone, it has to be made, like bread; remade all the time, made new.”


Valentine’s Day is associated with love. The reason, it is said, is because St. Valentine defied emperor Claudius II Gothicus’s orders and secretly married couples to spare men from war.


But it has been widely celebrated as the holiday of love because of the work of Geoffrey Chaucer, who was supposedly the first person to officially make the day about love in his poem, “The Parlement of Foules,” in which a group of birds gather in the spring on Valentine’s Day to choose their mates for the year.


Much like love, your financial plan also doesn’t sit like a stone – it, too, has to be made, and remade. So let’s make some time to adjust your plan based on any changes in your life.


But until we hear from you, we wish you the happiest Valentine’s Day!


Sending love,


Leif M. Hagen, CLU, ChFC
LPL Financial Advisor
Achievement Financial
Dream. Plan. Achieve.








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